Speaker: Garth Gilchrist

Everyday Harmony

Garth Gilchrist grew up roaming the woods and mountains of western Washington and California’s Sierra. Ever more amazed by the beauty of wildness, Garth has worked to spark and grow reverence for nature and a sense of connection with what he calls “The Great Life” in people of all ages for four decades. As a poet, a performing storyteller, a writer and an environmental educator, he has used the power of inspired language to illuminate the gifts that nature holds for those who enter not only into nature’s landscapes but into its heart and living presence.

In 1979, Garth Gilchrist co-authored with Joseph Cornell the environmental education classic Sharing Nature with Children and taught its philosophy and techniques extensively throughout the United States, Canada and Britain for more than a decade. He explored and developed storytelling as an educational tool, and has produced three collections of original stories: The Living Forest, Flying with the Swans, and Journeys Home. He recently produced two recordings of the stories of the “Father of American Conservation,” John Muir: My Life of Adventures, and Stickeen: and John Muir’s other Animal Adventures. All have been used widely by naturalists and acclaimed in education publications.

In 1998, Garth won the Marin Arts Council Individual Artist Grant Award for solo performance for his first person theater piece, John Muir: Hitched to the Heart of the World, in which he portrays the extraordinary character of America’s “Father of Conservation” whose powerful vision and love of wilderness fueled extraordinary conservation achievements. Garth has performed this work for hundreds of audiences throughout the United States including a presentation in Muir Woods National Park to the Chief Justices of all 50 state supreme courts. Additionally, Garth has published numerous articles in Storytelling Magazine and Healing Story Journal. He regularly teaches workshops at storytelling festivals for the National Storytelling Conference.

"What makes me come alive is connecting with people in a loving, open way, to have my eyes and heart open to see and honor their beauty. I love connecting with nature similarly, with curiosity and openness, to be willing to receive the vast gift that flows through the natural world," Garth says.

In this call with Garth, we will explore Everyday Harmony -- power of stories when we tune into nature and meaningfully engage with life around us.

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