Speaker: David Robinson

Unconditional Leadership -- Walking the Talk

In college, David Robinson wrote a thesis paper, and then went on to actually implement it! That organization he started as a young graduate, Community Links, is still thriving many decades later as a grassroots effort to build stronger, healthier and more vibrant community. It has received many awards, and now reaches 16 thousand people every year. He also chairs We Are What We Do whose "Change the World for a Fiver" book has sold more than a million copies and has himself authored Unconditional Leadership for promoting value-based leadership. In addition, he leads the Early Action Task Force, and is a leading figure in social finance, an architect of the Social Impact Bond, and a trustee of the Big Society Bank.

While David receives calls from the Prime Minister on the one hand, he happily makes a cup of tea and offers biscuits to every guest who comes to visit him at Community Links, tidying up behind him so that the meeting tables are ready for use again. When you visit him at work, you won't find David sitting in a office on his own, behind closed doors -- instead, you'll find him at a small ordinary office desk sitting alongside colleagues, working away like everyone else, who is based at the headquarters. And he would probably never inform you that he has been knighted by Queen Elizabeth II.

Please join us on Saturday April 5th to engage with David, someone who truly walks his talk!

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