Speaker: Jan Daddona

Control vs Freedom

Janis Daddona (NARRATOR) is a professional voice talent and holds a master’s degree in counseling from Fairfield University.  She’s a regular blogger and interviewer for the weekly global “Awakin Calls”. She lives in Connecticut with her feline mentors, Buckminster and Kierkegaard.

When requested to introduce herself Jan says -

All my life, I’ve been living in inquiry, I guess. While I am deeply spiritual, I am also deeply cerebral.  Where the two intersect have been my most challenging and rewarding experiences.  And I’ve spent the last two years living my life as an experiment, exploring those points.  I’ve also blogged about it for others on a similar journey.  I have chronic hope that situations will be wonderful because I feel spiritually drawn to them.  Then I begin to see the cracks in the walls, and my mind gets really annoyed because I can’t fix them.  I have quite a series of job titles to my name because frustration drives me on to other things.  But the cool part of that is I’m learning new things and meeting wonderful people all the time as a result.

But recently I asked myself a stunner of a question:  What is it I really desire, control or freedom?  In that instant I realized they were not synonymous!  I love living alone because it gives me total freedom…or…is it total control?  I control what I do, what I want or have, whom I see, what I want my environment to feel like.  Everything is just so.  But it takes a lot effort.  If I had freedom, none of this would matter, and I could be comfortable in any situation.  I would be able to trust instinctively.

Pondering this question has shifted my life trajectory dramatically, and the adventure is only beginning.

Please join us on Saturday Dec 7th to hear more from Jan!

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