To me, creative living means liberation. Liberation from the labels of others. Liberation from toxic and negative people. It means living mindfully in the present to the good of yourself and others. It is freedom from judging others. It is having realistic expectations of yourself and others. Creative living is being your authentic self with pride and self confidence. Creative living is simple, joyous, and honest.
I crave solitude each day, especially when I am hurt or challenged by something. It provides a safe haven for me to wrestle with issues and come to some resolution. I am able to retreat to this solitary place for introspection and reflection which I so desperately need during these times. It isn't lonely at all, just reassuring and peaceful. After spending this time with a cup of tea, Telemann and Vivaldi, I am good to go!
On Aug 17, 2016 Wanda wrote on My Work is Loving the World, by Mary Oliver:
I am astonished when I hear the owls in my backyard. I am astonished when I see bluebirds at the birdbath. I am astonished when I feel my little baby granddaughter's silky skin against mine. I am astonished when I taste my first cup of coffee each morning. I am astonished when I smell rain is coming. I know I am doing an excellent job being in love with the world.