We should never curse;we should always bless.Bless God, bless yourself and bless your enemy.Who is your enemy?Is not blood and flesh but the Enemy of your soul and souls
Hatred, revenge,jealousy and all vindicative feelings and emotions are clearly self-destructive.No one wants to destroy himself/herself consciously.We do it inconsciously if we do not acknowlege or realize that forgiveness, understanding and love are inherent to life itself.WE MUST LOVE OURSELVES AS WE OUGHT TO LOVE AND UNDERSTAND EVERYBODY ON EARTH.
I fully agree with Mr.Eckhart Tolle.
Please tell me more about the power of Now.Really in the NOW I have no problem.There is no problem in the NOW.Vernon Howard said:NOW IS PROBLEMLESS.Thank you for sharing.
This is true.Self-observation will help me.In fact I do not like the language people use everyday.How can I think what they think if I do not like what they say?If I speak differently I have to think differently.Self-knowledge can help.In short language and thinking are connected.So if I do not want common or coarse words I have to break common and ordinary thoughts and way of thinking.
How deep is this thought!I have to cancel all my opinions.I have not to confound opinions with the Truth.Nobody has got the truth for you or for me.I have to know the Truth myself.You cannot know the Truth for me.What another says or what I say is not the Truth.Information is not the Truth.Knowledge is not the Truth.Ideas and findings are not the Truth.I have to know the Truth and feel that I know the Truth.I desire to know the Truth.You cannot satisfy my desire.My soul desire the Truth.If you long for the Truth you will know HIM yourself.
I believe that we have to be really free.Inside we are not really free.We are conditionned.Even though we pretend to be free, in fact we are not free.This is the reason why we do not even realize our pressure, our strain, our tension and our struggle.Thanks God, you and me we can be free indeed.We can think and know what we think.We can abandon the habit of competing and comparing with others.We can know what we want and love.We can know genuine happiness in doing and loving what we want and love from within ourselves.IF THE SON SET YOU FREE, YOU WILL BE FREE INDEED!
Simplicity and sincerity are some among many characteristics of God.Oh simplicity,how I love you!You sincerity, please come and dwell forever within me.To live in and with SIMPLICITY is one of my main goals.No happiness without simplicity.Sincerity is sincerity with myself and God and with you in love.
The adverb NOW has become one of my favourite words.If I could forget for a moment, all the words, pictures and images of the world and history and bear on my mind the clear IDEA of NOW, I think that an extraordinary change would occur.NOW is a powerful word.Eternity starts NOW.NOW never ends.Only NOW exists.God grasps the eternal NOW from eternity to eternity is NOW.Your NOW and my NOW is NOW.You and I live NOW.You and I can remember the YESTERDAYS.W e often dream of MORROWS.But we can only live in the Now and forever.We think NOW.We say a word NOW.Whatever we do is NOW.Things exist NOW.The HEAVEN exist NOW and forever.HELL is NOW and forever.Change is NOW.Decisions are made NOW.TRANFORMATION is NOW.SALVATION is NOW.PERDITION is NOW.Thank you Adyashanti for sharing about the word that has become one of my favourite words.
Jesus is our REAL life.We never die.The REAL I, never dies.We do not think of death.We think of life,the eternal life.It is not an illusion.IT IS THE PURE AND AUTHENTIC TRUENESS AND REALITY.So remember the ETERNITY n o w.This moment is very, very important and vital.Thank you Mary Oliver, for sharing about WHEN DEATH COMES.
I think that if I were not taught subconsciously to adore and hate money at the same time,I should have more money than I have today.Today I am looking for the true WISDOM.I believe that to get it I have to forget ALL that I think or believe to be wisdom.
I like and enjoy thinking of the number 7.I do not say that flexibility is good or ideal.I think that rigidity is not natural.I believe in the natural thinking,natural language and natural conduct or behaviour.To be rigid or fix is to be dead.W e must be open to REALITY and LIFE everywhere.Be open to REALITY.
Sincerity is not easy.Sincerity is the truth about myself.Sincerity can be expressed;it essentially it has to do with ourselves.It is self-perception.AUTHENTICITY is more than sincerity.AUTHENTICITY is what we need all the time and everywhere.AUTHENTICITY is the opposite of ARTIFICIALITY.AUTHENTICITY is TRUENESS.
Now I realize the power of each thought and everyword.There is no word without thought and vice-versa.Powerful words and powerful thoughts are natural thoughts and natural words.There is no natural behaviour without natural thoughts and natural words.
On Jan 22, 2008 Timoteo wrote on Power of Blessing, by Rachel Naomi Remen: