Just yesterday i went to a meeting of three colleagues, one gentle and two very dominant in the conversation. Usually I struggle with how to combat their forceful natures and find myself becoming strident or controlling (and later, exhausted), but instead yesterday I decided to simply let the sparring and rising clamour wash over me, to sit back and see what I could learn. I am still struggling with how to find my authentic place in these kinds of seemingly overpowering exchanges, but what I did see yesterday is that at least when I am open and ready to learn, I can begin to observe myself to change for the better from an authentic, and surrendered place. This piece helped to affirm that I was on the right track, rather than that I had failed to 'win' as my ego was telling me. Thank you.
On Sep 4, 2013 Tanja wrote on Honor the Seed, by Jim Ewing:
For me, being mindful of the seeds of my thoughts and words must begin in meditation, in contemplating the fruits of what I thought and said and did today, in my daily sittings. From here, slowly but steadily, I hope to learn how to cultivate more carefully the seeds of a larger future.
For a faithless gardener like me who struggles to believe even in the seeds I plant in the beginning of spring, in a pleasant climate with adequate food and nutrition (and to be sure, plenty of support from the garden centre), it is indeed a challenge to truly have faith that I can be a wise custodian of the seeds I plant for seven generations hence.
What a useful, mind blowing way to consider thoughts, words and deeds - thank you and in gratitude for creating this opportunity to be in conversation about this.