i think everyone is alone and everyone is not alone because when we are happy then we feel like that everybody is with our and we enjoy our life but when we are unhappy then this thing works in opposit side in sorrow and whenever we have to face diffculties at that time we feel there is nothing to live because we are always want to see good things and we cant bear sorrow.so sadness is the main cause of aloneness.its my personal request to those who are not agreey with my views please lave a note for me.i am waiting for your advice.
i want to give an exmaple about the qulity og the forgiveness.a person is very bad with you and he/she always do nonsence things with you but you dont get furious and you forget his/her mistakes and you are doing good things for that person who is bad for you and you for give him/her.i am quite sure one day will definatly come he /she will relize his/her misstake and he will regreat on hisself.and you will become a respective person for his.
On Aug 27, 2008 shweta singh wrote on We Are Never Alone, by Anandmurti Gurumaa: