isnt that Lao Tzu who said that... be still till the right thing comes naturally... something like that
we were taught at school to be reactive not responsive... the dffererence between the two... is time stood still
randomness ... it boils down to the wisdom of uncertainty... life is 10% what is happening in our lives and 90% is how we respond to what is happening to us...
the wisdom of uncertainty rule... is not much on the strength u have to withstand anything u can take, hold, or control within ur power... it goes beyond what u can take, hold, or control within ur power...
so we continue to bend, to stretch, to expand where life will take us... and true enough we have become larger than what we thought... life indeed is full of surprises...
just be ready to let life surprise u everyday... be surprises...:)
On Jun 26, 2014 Roseen wrote on Everything Is A Miracle, by Albert Einstein:
it takes an enlightened soul to recognize a miracle.... but every moment is a miracle...