All are cycles, life and death are human notions of existence, transmutes the physical and the spiritual, the soul manifests itself in different stages. Enjoy and bring in peace and harmony, is the task at the moment of our existence, beyond traveling in different places, that's all.
Manuel Castrillo
Simplicity is relative .... what I do and earn simple can be complex to another .... the feel with the fluidity and the condition of living our life without complications, and harmonically unrelated to conditioning factors that limit us our powers, the enjoy something simple .... we will be simple as far how we perceive our actions and the pace of our life ..
On Dec 5, 2017 Manuel Castrillo wrote on Small Graces, by Kent Neburn:
Every day I wake up giving thanks for waking up. I have learned to accept things as they come, not question but confront, with faith and patience, with courage and hope. And also to enjoy and be happy with the little things, with the "Instants" that we sometimes go unnoticed! The day is full of those moments, moments that can take us through infinite paths of well-being and Light.