For me Spiritual path is ......" Do good to everyone. if not, keep silent. Don't do bad to anyone. All for good, bad for nothing. Disparity and Dispassion are the two ways for simple and spiritual life."
Yes, it is terribly difficult to laugh at the tough times. It is not impossible! If we laugh at tough times, our confidence and inner strength will be more.. Have faith in GOD and endure, HE will make our road clear.
On Jul 9, 2014 Prakash Narasimhaiya wrote on This is the True Ride, by Jennifer Welwood:
Yes....Life is like that. Maharshi Ramana once siad..." Accept whatever comes. Let it come and go. Endure peacefully without murmuring. The only way is left to burn you own KARMA. " What can ot be cured must be endured happily......