Yes,the article is very pragmatic.Today we are really witness to "spritualism & materailism" which are the poles apart. But we have to live between these two opposite poles.Living amid these two poles is called LIFE.
Very nie and in formative article. The rebel with in maks us reactive listener. Hence w should avoid this rebel.
On Nov 27, 2013 Rajesh Singh Sisodia wrote on Art And The Practice Of Being Yourself, by Stanley Kunitz:
Excellent & pragmatic article: It's true that we pass much time in observing & criticizing others rather introspecting ourselves. This act of ours increases negativity with in us. If we are organized with in, only then we can & should expect such behavior from others.
Pledged to remain bare – foot until Corruption is totally uprooted;
Sincerely Yours
(Rajesh Singh Sisodia)
Nange Paon Satyagraha,
Address: Vivekanand Nagar, M.G.Road – Ambikapur (C.G.) 497001
Mob: 9826921897