The song celebrates simplicity and Natural world as significant Teacher.. why nor? Our children are lookingi into screens and phones many hours of their lives. Their future is blindness and physical disability. Higher ground is freedom..eyes up. ..wings engage. Humans are challenged to throw away comfort and ignorance every day...perhaps they will answer a planetary wake up call. To live life with grace...certainly hope so...i do. It is my priority to experience ..not codify my Reality.
beautiful passage ! i came to Britush Columbia and was welcomed by giant first growth Cedar and Hemlock guardians of the Universe. i live in India and meditate beneath Humongous Baobab trees....I hug serene Tall Cottonwood sentinels at 8000 feet in southern Colorado a child i hugged the huge oaks in Central Park Manhatten. New YORK...I AM 70...a buddhust nun....i think that i shall never see a religion or philosophy more perfect than a TREE....
On Mar 5, 2019 Joan t Parkin wrote on Clues On Higher Ground, by UB40: