Well...I appreciate this article, bringing how the energy of hope can become my captive. I believe in the power of my words and have made a small step to substitute the word trust where I normally say hope. For me it gives a different renaissance. As others have spoke of here, I find less attachment to the final outcome easies my fear, anxiety...whatever emotion I may have tied to it. I also believe I become more resilient with my practice of trust AND love AND my belief in the inherent goodness of everything. My mind settles and my path becomes clear. ❤️
"However, most of us are in a state of chronic inner tension as we try to subtly (and sometimes not so subtly) control ourselves and the environment."
Forme, this statement is one of the keys to my physical, mental, spiritual happiness. I am unable to be completely grounded if I am holding and unaware of my excess tension.
A philosopher I listen to states, " When you know what you don't want, you know what you do want". Emotions, for me, are a great way to show me where I am on my spiritual path. Am I heading towards joy or am I heading towards fear? Then my power of choice comes in and my opportunity to pivot or not.
Thank you for this. My sister has been seeking a new job for almost 9 months now and I see the toll it is taking on her. I find myself taking on her depression and helplessness. I realize this is no way to “help” her. Peace to all.
On Nov 1, 2022 d watson wrote on Hopium, by Margaret Wheatley: