When one possess any negative emotion, it leads to more of negative emotion.
You have no problem until you give up your joy.
Controlling emotions requires no effort but conscious decision to be that you wants to be.
As the water reflects you face. So your mind dictate your world. Your mind is your life and Real self. The wise Solomon said keep it diligently.
On Dec 1, 2009 IA wrote on Cultivating An Eagle Mind, by Matthieu Ricard:
Vision is indestructable, even after Death it thrives. It's transferable from one person to the other.
"Where there is no vision the people perish". The day you conceptualised a vision, that is this the day the world will start conspiring to make it happen.
Good vision is worth cherishing and protecting with ones life; if we indeed have a strong conviction of it.
Vision help to shapen our direction in life. Let have a good vision and nurture it to bless the world.