Clever piece, loved it! Makes me think of all the suffering, conflict and wasted time/energy that goes into protecting and boosting our self-created sense of identity, which is probably why we want to hold on to that connection to ego, we'd think we were "nothing" without it. But by becoming "nothing" we don't realize that we are able to actually become everything and not be limited by the walls and limitations that our ego puts on our true selves.
Makes me think of how we fail to often appreciate all the beauty that surrounds us all the time (the sun, the birds, people), mainly because we are so consumed with distractions (texting, facebook, Internet) or our own minds that don't allow us to be aware and mindful in the present.
Beautiful piece and it got me thinking - rather than describing people who love all unconditionally as "non-attached", maybe it's better to describe them as "attached to all" and to describe the rest of us as "selectively attached." Which definitely helps explain why letting go of that "selectivity" can be so be so relieving and uplifting...
On Jul 18, 2012 Sateen Sheth wrote on Letter on the Kitchen Table, by John Ptacek: