I totally agree with Gina whole-heatedly...The connection is with the doing, the connection is with the vision, the connection is looking at 'self' and contributing to the mass, the good and the change ..To honor and respect the author. is to read and 'connect' with the passage, and 'other' passages to see and do good for the ALLl...
Thank you and welcome to LIFE LESSONS 101 - ‘‘A second basic fact that characterizes nonviolence is that it does not seek to defeat or humiliate the opponent, but to win his friendship and understanding’’ In 2011, is this simple act still so difficult to understand? Does ego have full control? and we are the uncontrollable, do we have a higher intelligence to read this and understand, I’m in a quandary at the moment still reading this passage over and over again to find out where we don’t get it.. So, many portals - answers are given, given from this passage and other passages, throughout time like this one, with the same passion and commitment , but why don’t we understanding this in the modern world ???
Thank You Mr Martin Luther King Jr . And thank you to your father, who indeed also had great spiritual strength.. It just goes to prove the ‘ Voice’ of reason , compassion and empathy has the ‘Truth’, and those ‘truths’ move the world to a better non-violence place...
On Mar 24, 2012 Edit Lak wrote on An Ego Strategy to Avoid Surrender, by Eckhart Tolle:
I have spent my life in failed relationships, because from an early age were taught to 'fall in love with people, right; But no one taught or teaches us how to 'love' though... The real heart love... The vision and feeling of love is corrupted before we even get a glimpse or a feeling into the word... Look at a child playing with other children, they love - unconditionally love and see from the pure Real love before us each day and we still have problems with it... So why do we as adults then put false pressures onto ourselves from media, advertising, social expectations, cultural requirement, beauty and sexual demands, we as adults really don’t help the cause of a true and loving world, Is it because most of the adults motives are about self, status and money... Even protecting a friend in an argument, or discussions, or an expressions, or in group event, or in just a working or living environment all come from ego... Some with big ego, some with smaller ego, but either way an ego – not consciousness - but ego... Look around the house, if one has a big TV in a standard size house - Why? If one has a robe full of shoes and clothes – Why? If one competes for anything - including the expectation of 'love' - Why? If one pushes a thought process without stopping, thinking, or indeed whilst judging, peter-stooling or word-smithing in a healthy and rich environment, one is then totally full of 'rubbish' and living in 'ego - Ego has won and the person is only the robot to the functions and the commands of ego... Having said that though; The ego is the greatest teacher – we just don’t know how to work within its boundaries..
To let go and not think of love, hate, words, insecurities, expectations is the answer... Am I qualified to express and example of how to do this - No, no I’m not... I have done a lot of self-work, and I still need to learn a lot more to let go, and whilst embracing death is great acceptance, or fighting cancer is a great teacher, it’s still not letting go, so, pretending to let go, or say to let go, or preach to let go is not actually letting go ...' letting go is 'love' and that letting go is a fear driven, the big fear of what we will find in ourselves and love if we let go.... Until then, I learn and try to be the best I can with a human in-built fault and my own faults... But, I have seen Eckhart Tolle, and in 40 something years of my life I couldn’t still my mind, but in his presence I did that within 15 minutes, that was years ago, I thought it was a miracle... It wasn’t a miracle, it was real ‘the realness’ of no expectation, I learnt and saw, that if one doesn’t come from ego there is nothing left to pull or feed from that state and a smile automatically replaces any thoughts, That smile is love shining through :-) ..... Ego only feeds ego and that is harmful - Let the smile win !!!. :-) I also learnt if one doest stay in that state of self love - the ego returns... Much gratitude to all - Great Reflection... Thanks..[Hide Full Comment]