The greatest love of all, to "Try", and give his life serving others. Jesus said " Greater love hath no man then to be willing to lay his life down for a friend". The guestion then becomes, who are we willing to lay our lives down for? If no one is willing to lay their lives down for anyone, that would explain why in 2023 our streets and our world looks like it does. Until a lot of people try to lay their lives down to save our children, they will continue to die on streets all across this nation. We cannot keep sitting in the house watching TV looking for " whom the bell tolls" because sooner or later she will most certainly toll for thee. MLK also said " as long as a man fears death he can never be free, but the moment a man conquers death, at that very moment he is free.
On Jan 15, 2023 Douglas Hunter wrote on His Own Eulogy, by Martin Luther King Jr.: