My life has changed forever since my dads passing. It's soon to be 3 years. My soul is not the same. A piece of me left upon his leaving the physical world. Are the deceased aware of us here on Earth? And, do they miss us? I wonder. If you can give me some input, I'd be grateful. THank you.Brenda
Susan, my dad who was the best person, most honest, giving, accepting person of others passed from cancer. I don't believe it was meant for him to get cancer and suffer. It still bothers me terribly as to why this has happened. And, you too have cancer. I'm sure you wonder why, but, I commend you for your great attitude. Wishing you all my best.Brenda
I have been suffering from my dads passing for 3 years now. I know my body and mind have been so tired and depleted of energy. But, we must believe that things will get better. I hope you feel better each day. Life is a gift for all of us. I need to remind myself !
This is very beautiful! I love it. Let me know where I can submit my writings to. Thanks!!
On Feb 25, 2014 Brenda Mcbride wrote on Your Life Cannot Go Wrong, by Jeff Foster:
Excellent comment!!! Heaven is for real and life here is an illusion.