Oh, it is so nice to hear these heartfelt words from the heart of your heart. It gives solace to the worried, the weary, the wobbly and fearful like me who aches for connection to another's truth, and yours feels like home. 89 and fine, just fine. Good on you, to you, for you, and always with you. Grief flows through and around us, as does joy, luckily enough.
Everyday we can have these moments of love, actually at the most inauspicious moments we can have these bright bits of softness and tenderness towards each other and ourselves. We may be surprised how often they occur, once we are attuned to the happy warmth that attends the connection.
On Jul 8, 2014 Blythe wrote on This is the True Ride, by Jennifer Welwood:
I sympathize. I, too, lost my husband eight years ago to an unforeseen long tragedy and not a day goes by that I don't love him and miss him. Grief takes as long as it takes and if it goes on beyond your ability to live a life of substance and value to yourself, then seeing a psychologist who specializes in grief can help immeasurably. My work is such, and I know personally the pain involved in this type of loss is cataclysmic, and yet you are alive and go on, and you will find your way. Maybe a helping loving hand through this would be a resource for you. Perhaps to know that he continues in your heart and his essence is always in the world will help.