Death is Life's Door
- Shaking hands with death in order to embrace life –
1) Death is like a deep and long sleep - When we get-up from this sleep find ourselves in a different dress (Body) and at `different address with unknown smiling faces around us.
Only problem is that we do not remember everything of the past and so are confused. There is only fear of unknown and uncertainty in this long and deep sleep (death)!
However, how much do we love sleep? Those who are not getting good sound sleep are constantly grumbling with everyone. People long for their week-end afternoon siesta. We welcome daily sleep longingly; however, we are scared of that long sleep, death. Why?
Because when we get-up from sleep we are energetic and there is guarantee to meet all old faces and life continues. However, in that long deep sleep there is no guarantee whether we will meet again and if we meet, we all will have different masks, clean slate and a fresh start! And that’s life!
We take entry in an unknown family as a new born baby! We come across with new faces, develop relationship and get separated when their or our journey ends.
2) Knowing Truth - If one will know who he is then there will not be any fear of death. When one understands he is a soul but says ‘my soul’ means there is a problem with head and heart. Though head understands heart is not accepting. I am a soul, an eternal energy, body is perishable, comes and goes. So, death is insignificant as I am always there.
3) Change of Perception – A person is standing on the deck of a ship, his relations gather at the port. When the journey starts, he waves from the deck of the ship, and they wave from the port. The size of the ship keeps getting small... [View Full Comment]
Death is Life's Door
- Shaking hands with death in order to embrace life –
1) Death is like a deep and long sleep - When we get-up from this sleep find ourselves in a different dress (Body) and at `different address with unknown smiling faces around us.
Only problem is that we do not remember everything of the past and so are confused. There is only fear of unknown and uncertainty in this long and deep sleep (death)!
However, how much do we love sleep? Those who are not getting good sound sleep are constantly grumbling with everyone. People long for their week-end afternoon siesta. We welcome daily sleep longingly; however, we are scared ofthat long sleep, death. Why?
Because when we get-up from sleep we are energetic and there is guarantee to meet all old faces and life continues. However, in that long deep sleep there is noguarantee whether we will meet again and if we meet, we all will have different masks, clean slate and a fresh start! And that’s life!
We take entry in an unknown family as a new born baby! We come across with new faces, develop relationship and get separated when their or our journey ends.
2) Knowing Truth - If one will know who he is then there will not be any fear of death. When one understands he is a soul but says ‘my soul’ means there is a problem with head and heart. Though head understands heart is not accepting. I am a soul, an eternal energy, body is perishable, comes and goes. So, death is insignificant as I am always there.
3) Change of Perception – A person is standing on the deck of a ship, his relations gather at the port. When the journey starts, he waves from the deck of the ship, and they wave from the port. The size of the ship keeps getting smaller, becomes a mere point at horizon and then vanishes. Close relations wipe their tears, and someone says: "The ship is gone!"
But where has it gone? Gone from sight, that’s all! The diminished size and the total loss of sight are in the viewer, not in the ship; ship is at it was. And that is death…!
On the other side, the scene is different. Someone sees a dot at the horizon and shouts, 'It is coming!' The dot grows bigger and bigger … finally one sees the ship approaching. As it comes closer, relations and friends notice the person standing on the deck and waving cheerfully. With joy flowing, they shout: 'See! He is there!' ………. And that is birth…!
Death is NOT AN END, it is just change of dress (Body) and address! It is new beginning!
So, by changing perception of an event, we can develop an ability to confront and resolve external and internal conflicts, obstacles, difficulties, hurdles and so forth and can liberate from fear.
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Dear Brother,
Greetings of Love!
Your analysis is wonderful. I want to pick few points from them 1) Peace is our true religion.100% true.
Hindu, Muslim, Buddhism, Christianity etc. are bodily religion. You inherit them from your parents who created and gave you (Ruh, atman) body. That is philosophy preached by the religious fathers. That may be distorted along the line due to addition and subtraction & understanding of the followers. That is the reason everyone says God is one & claims everyone & everything is God. (Omnipresence).
Being souls let us leave aside the bodily religion, religion of souls is Peace. Religion is what is the nature, what one imbibes! The nature of burning coal is fire, water is coolness. Likewise, the nature of soul is peace! So, when it is in someone elseâs religion that is peacelessness or anger, it is NOT happy there. No one will be happy in otherâs religion.
Like peace; Love, Happiness, Patience, Purity etc. are the religions of soul and so he is happy in those conditions and restless in opposite conditions (like sorrow, impurity etc.)
Meditation is the channel that gives us these things directly from the Source, God Himself as He is Ocean of these qualities (Ocean of Love, peace, etc.). This canât be preached or debated it can only be experienced; as it is said the taste lies in drinking the soup.
There are many ways preached by many. But they lack the main thing that is the information of the source God. And you end up in more efforts and less attainments. Less means as long as you are meditating you feel good but the effect doesnât last long. The process is
LOCATE the Source ï CONNECT to the source ï RELATE with the Source ï REDIATE like the Source with spiritual energy like saints, gurus, religious fathers or deities.
Do not hesitate to contact for details on
2) God fearin... [View Full Comment]
Dear Brother,
Greetings of Love!
Your analysis is wonderful. I want to pick few points from them 1) Peace is our true religion.100% true.
Hindu, Muslim, Buddhism, Christianity etc. are bodily religion. You inherit them from your parents who created and gave you (Ruh, atman) body. That is philosophy preached by the religious fathers. That may be distorted along the line due to addition and subtraction & understanding of the followers. That is the reason everyone says God is one & claims everyone & everything is God. (Omnipresence).
Being souls let us leave aside the bodily religion, religion of souls is Peace. Religion is what is the nature, what one imbibes! The nature of burning coal is fire, water is coolness. Likewise, the nature of soul is peace! So, when it is in someone elseâs religion that is peacelessness or anger, it is NOT happy there. No one will be happy in otherâs religion.
Like peace; Love, Happiness, Patience, Purity etc. are the religions of soul and so he is happy in those conditions and restless in opposite conditions (like sorrow, impurity etc.)
Meditation is the channel that gives us these things directly from the Source, God Himself as He is Ocean of these qualities (Ocean of Love, peace, etc.). This canât be preached or debated it can only be experienced; as it is said the taste lies in drinking the soup.
There are many ways preached by many. But they lack the main thing that is the information of the source God. And you end up in more efforts and less attainments. Less means as long as you are meditating you feel good but the effect doesnât last long. The process is
LOCATE the Source ï CONNECT to the source ï RELATE with the Source ï REDIATE like the Source with spiritual energy like saints, gurus, religious fathers or deities.
Do not hesitate to contact for details on
2) God fearing. Why one should fear God? God is our creator and creator is father! Why we should fear our Father? He like every other father loves his children. He is Ocean of love & NOT OCEAN OF ANGER. So, why fear? Open up, develop a relationship with Him, whichever you like father, mother, friend, husband (Tvamev Mata, Pita tvamevâ¦â¦..). Be truthful to Him. No fear. Yes mistakes can happen, you should honestly tell Him, promise Him that u will see NOT to repeat it. Work on yourself. He will be happy.
---BK Prakash Talathi
On Nov 4, 2015 PRAKASH TALATHI wrote on Death is Life's Door, by Paul Fleischman:
Death is Life's Door
- Shaking hands with death in order to embrace life –
1) Death is like a deep and long sleep - When we get-up from this sleep find ourselves in a different dress (Body) and at `different address with unknown smiling faces around us.
Only problem is that we do not remember everything of the past and so are confused. There is only fear of unknown and uncertainty in this long and deep sleep (death)!
However, how much do we love sleep? Those who are not getting good sound sleep are constantly grumbling with everyone. People long for their week-end afternoon siesta. We welcome daily sleep longingly; however, we are scared of that long sleep, death. Why?
Because when we get-up from sleep we are energetic and there is guarantee to meet all old faces and life continues. However, in that long deep sleep there is no guarantee whether we will meet again and if we meet, we all will have different masks, clean slate and a fresh start! And that’s life!
We take entry in an unknown family as a new born baby! We come across with new faces, develop relationship and get separated when their or our journey ends.
2) Knowing Truth - If one will know who he is then there will not be any fear of death. When one understands he is a soul but says ‘my soul’ means there is a problem with head and heart. Though head understands heart is not accepting. I am a soul, an eternal energy, body is perishable, comes and goes. So, death is insignificant as I am always there.
3) Change of Perception – A person is standing on the deck of a ship, his relations gather at the port. When the journey starts, he waves from the deck of the ship, and they wave from the port. The size of the ship keeps getting smaller, becomes a mere point at horizon and then vanishes. Close relations wipe their tears, and someone says: "The ship is gone!"
But where has it gone? Gone from sight, that’s all! The diminished size and the total loss of sight are in the viewer, not in the ship; ship is at it was. And that is death…!
On the other side, the scene is different. Someone sees a dot at the horizon and shouts, 'It is coming!' The dot grows bigger and bigger … finally one sees the ship approaching. As it comes closer, relations and friends notice the person standing on the deck and waving cheerfully. With joy flowing, they shout: 'See! He is there!' ………. And that is birth…!
Death is NOT AN END, it is just change of dress (Body) and address! It is new beginning!
So, by changing perception of an event, we can develop an ability to confront and resolve external and internal conflicts, obstacles, difficulties, hurdles and so forth and can liberate from fear.
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