It's a very insightful article. I also realized the power of energy and it's effect on me. Today is a good example I was really feeling down and out and lot of thoughts started swimming in my head as I got up in the morning. Unnecessary One. I kept bringing back my attention back to my breath. I walked on and on focusing on breath and surrounding. Then after breakfast I just decided to do a decisive action - Diwali , an Indian festival is on Thursday and I had to organize the area so I sort of took it up spoke to people planned and everything and during this whole process - in fact after the decision I could see a shift in energy. I am confident the whole day will be much better (1000 times :) than how it started. This is how the energy was shifted completely from a negative to positive vibe - in authors language.
Thank you for sharing.
This is so true. I have been reading on philosophy & different concepts for 25 years +. I always got this sense on certain days that - VOILA! This was the truth and then it just vanishes. It's difficult to explain. But it was always fleeting & felt something was missing.
Just few days going thru a tussle - I just said. Let Go!!! Just Go With the Flow. What's the max can happen to you. Death. That's fine. Acceptance is not about setting expectations or not having any expectations. It's just be live in the moment. All philosophies come down to that. It's very simple. But so difficult to implement (at least for me). I am writing this today and tomorrow I might be in the rabbit hole of worry and despair. So be it. But let me not worry and enjoy this moment of bliss & awareness :)
For a very long time - my forgiveness was always with anger. A justification or a logical reason why the other person did what she did. Even now at times I fall in that trap. I am still learning to forgive with love & without any condition. Most of my anger in most times is directed towards me as I think I am responsible for my action. I agree and understand what is written in the article but this change will take time as we are rooted (me at least) in rational reasoning of forgiveness
On Oct 28, 2024 Bidyut wrote on A New Energy Grid, by Jonathan Harris: