I love this, thank you for sharing such a powerful distinction!
It really helps me to understand one of the reasons why I feel so uneasy with the New Age materialism I see in the Law of Attraction / Abraham-Hicks ideology. People say, "Nature/God is abundant" whereas the truth is "Nature/God is sufficent"!
Sufficiency is built in to Natural Law. Nothing in nature hoards more than it needs. Nature overflows, and I believe that by following Nature we will find ultimate fulfilment.
One other point here; if you could not add anything else to your(self), would there be a point to Life on Earth? Let's say that the purpose of Life on Earth is a by-product of not being able to handle the fact that your are God. Because you cannot handle being God, and the whole creation is love, you are spared the suffering of having to be God, by being able to live in your own creation until such a time that your are ready to face the reality. What you are given is Mind. In Mind you can be whatever you want to be just by believing in it. It doesn't even matter if the rest of the world agrees, or if the phyiscal evidence indicates to the contrary.
In essence, you are not Mind. So Mind has a place, which is to allow you to fool yourself in to believing. Why would you need to believe? If you need to, does that not indicate that you do not have the knowledge and therefore have to "guess"?
If anyone has answer to this, I'd be interested. Cheers,
Great parable! You are not alone, only if you can convince your(self) that you exist and hold that belief. The self that you believe you have is what you spend your whole life serving. The craziness is that no one ever asks if the self really exists. Perhaps it sounds like too obvious a question. However, the true result is far from obvious. The truth is, as self, we are all different aspects of the same thing (God, or whatever) without the knowledge that we are God. As soon as the self is realised to be false, you are no longer an aspect of God... you realise you are God and in that capacity, you ARE alone. Just thought I'd clear that up! Thanks.
On Feb 19, 2016 Ben Hunt wrote on Sufficiency is Not Abundance, by Lynne Twist:
I love this, thank you for sharing such a powerful distinction!
It really helps me to understand one of the reasons why I feel so uneasy with the New Age materialism I see in the Law of Attraction / Abraham-Hicks ideology. People say, "Nature/God is abundant" whereas the truth is "Nature/God is sufficent"!
Sufficiency is built in to Natural Law. Nothing in nature hoards more than it needs. Nature overflows, and I believe that by following Nature we will find ultimate fulfilment.