I've not felt like I had to chooose which one I'd want for a neighbor. I do know my heart will tell me who my neighbor or is though.
What is LOVE is one of the Greateat Questiins anyone can ask of themselves. The answer is foundational to one's life experience.
I understand LOVE to be LIFE it's self. And to experience life we only have THIS moment. One breath away doesn't count - a moment, even a split second ago is the past.. and LOVE is not there. The future has t happens yet even if it is imagined, and LOVE is not there.
When I think of something larger then myself I think of not just ME.. but everything around me.. EVERYTHING [that has been] created. I am part of the universe and a viable part of it just because I am alive.
Ive been asking the question of 'Who am
I?' Since my childhood. When I was born I just existed without thought, without shame, without aim to impress anyone... When I was happy I was at peace, when I felt pain or unhappiness I expressed it genuinely. I did not hide my feelings. I was completely authentic.
But as I grew I discovered the world of communication and learned how to make others happy.
I understand that we are made by love, and.. love is who we are. It is not something we get, it is something we give away. It is not just a feeling.. it is much more then that.. it is what makes life worthwhile and life has no meaning unless we are sharing it (giving it away). So.. it is love coming out of us that fulfills our purpose, and not the feelings we have that we can experience when someone else gives us attention and love.
When I see the words 'intentions and effects' I remember that humans have a powerful source of power called 'the will'. When we are aware and apply the will we gain volition and can proceed from a beginning towards a goal. Every day, even several times a day we can meditate (at least remember) our goal and apply the will again. In time we see the results of our persistence.
On Sep 17, 2019 Quacinda wrote on Three Qualities Of Holiness, by Anthony De Mello:
When we are born born we are born perfect, but as we grow up we learn the culture we are born into; culture is riddled with lies that we live by. But the newborn does not have the words or understanding or culture until it is taught to him/her.
The lies which we live live by make all us unholy. My understanding is then that we have the power of choice. We can choose to live with a positive outlook or a negative one. We can chose to be happy or sad, we can choose to be holy or unholy.
I also understand that we cannot live by creeds, by any religion, or even anything taught to us; what we can discover with words is an idea(s) we can 'play' with as we organize and create our life.