That's an intriguing way to look at Soul and Body. I have always thought of them as seperate and thought of soul more as the energy that runs the body. Or body as a home for soul. Also, if they are the same then how can we understand what happens at death?
Actions after deep silence to me is accepting the situation and then taking the required action without any kind of negative emotions. Taking action with a peaceful state is mind.
When I'm free from judgement or expectations, it helps silence my mind.
When I'm shaping behavior in children, the results are so powerful and peaceful everytime I take action after silencing my mind. If take any action when there is still any kind of chatter in my mind then it completely becomes a very reactive environment.
To me being human is being my trueself / natural self. The self that feels normal and right within. Multiple things in nature helps me connect and reminds me to be my trueself.
Water - natural quality is calm and it always come back to that. My natural quality is peace and love and that's what feels right within. Other qualities like anger, ego don't feel right, natural or normal.
Sunlight - it shines the same to everyone. No judgement. I shouldn't give up my values or character traits because of other's behavior or circumstances.
Waves - there will be ups and downs but eventually it settles down. Nothing is permanent - good or bad.
On Dec 7, 2020 Ariana S wrote on A 13-Year-Old In A Museum, by Nancy Collier: