Thank-you for sharing your inspiring observation.
William Blake wrote these lines, which have proven of great value to me.
"Never seek to tell thy love
Being masters the mind by degrees.
Yes aj, I am now, you reminded me, so HERE I am, in the moment. BEING, reminded TO BE, is so valuable, and forgetting TO BE is so easy, like "falling off a log", as 'they' say here in the USA. One method I find quite helpful in this process of penetrating the present, after I receive a reminder such as your post, which has the effect of causing me to realize I have been sleep walking (so to speak), is to quickly make the effort that it takes to "find" myself and to RETURN to the present, instead of feeling bad about having been "asleep" as I often used to do, wasting, thereby, the opportunity TO BE. I keep making these small invisible efforts TO BE, when ever I remember to do so, for my own spiritual development, and also to participate in the elevation of ALL BEING, love for the whole of humanity, and the other forms that BEING has chosen to actualize, is the motivation, which propels the BEING residing between the "temple walls", of this body form, into the ever changing moment. In this experience I am so glad to meet you HERE. Together we, along with all the others making similar efforts, are the "leaven", our efforts TO BE are what raises the whole. From our efforts TO BE, all hope springs forth, our gratitude for the efforts of other(s) gives birth, in our own spirit, to higher forms of love. Thank-you for BEING, no matter, when ever or where ever or whom ever YOU ARE.
Paashi, Thank-you for your efforts to be "present", each effort elevates the level of Being of the whole of humanity.
I may contain that which can become whole, within my self...but am I whole? Complete? Or do I suffer from unwholesomeness, being incomplete within myself? If I am honest with myself, I see, I am incomplete, though to realize this, is uncomfortable.
Like you, I will not work for what I imagine I already contain, if I imagine I am complete, whole, I may receive a false sense of satisfaction, but will I strive for completion? Realizing the state of my own incomplete being, surely does quicken a desire in me to complete myself, to work on acquiring what I need to achieve a state of wholesomeness. For, is it not only from a state of our own wholeness, that we can offer, that which is wholesome? Has our world not already suffered enough from unwholesomeness?
Like you,I will also, not work, for that which I imagine I can not attain. If I imagine I am incapable of attaining a state of completeness, I can allow myself, to become complacently satisfied, with partial development, saying to myself, "why make effort to be more, have I not done all that anyone could be expected to do?"
Like you, I also find it is difficult to be honest with myself, I avoid unprofitableness, as containing it causes a kind of suffering, yet, it is exactly from accepting and containing the suffering, that realizing these uncomfortable truths produce, there arises in me, an undefinable will, to become. I embrace these realizations when I have the strength to bear them. They are friends to my inner work, goading me forward in my own self development.
We search the inner space, peering in our mirror, the mind...WHO is searching then, and for what is it searching? Something forgotten? Is not the one who is searching in the mirror of the mind, actually searching, outside of its self, hunting for a state, the state of it's own BEING? Which it can not find, by looking at the illusive images in a mirror, it is searching for that, which to find, it must become, directly, by remembering itself.
To be present is a golden glory, to be present with one's friends increases the golden glory, to higher level of brilliance.
So many of us are here, together, on purpose. Here, in this dawning of the new golden age, the age of Aquarius. We sense each other, and experience gratitude. We trust in the higher parts of the others. You and I subtly do our work. We are become artists, teachers by example, caring not how common our lives may seem to others. We find ourselves here, observing, listening, examining, reflecting, healing, giving, encouraging, struggling against odds, changing ourselves, creating fresh ways of being, reaching out, including all. Yes, we are here, subtly together, on purpose, in common fellowship. This is our great opportunity. Faced with the experiences of war, violence, oppression, greed, destruction, suffering these, without filling ourselves with hate, we endure, and for a reason. These evils are a travail, and this arduous pain, portends the birth of the new humanity, whose appearance we all await.
So many of us are here, together, on purpose. Here, in this dawning of the new golden age, the age of Aquarius. We sense each other, and experience gratitude. We trust in the higher parts of the others. You and I subtly do our work. We are become artists, teachers by example, caring not how common our lives may seem to others. We find ourselves here, observing, listening, examining, reflecting, healing, giving, encouraging, struggling against odds, changing ourselves, creating fresh ways of being, reaching out, including all. Yes, we are here, subtly together, on purpose, in common fellowship. This is our great opportunity. Faced with the experiences of war, violence, oppression, greed, destruction, suffering these, without filling ourselves with hate, we endure, and for a reason. These evils are a travail, and this arduous pain, portends the birth of the new humanity, whose appearance we all await.
Your post puts new energy in to the meaning of th word: "Insightful", thank-you.
This is beautiful, and reminds me of something that William Blake wrote, "He that binds to himself a joy, Does the winged life destroy. But he who kisses joy as it flies, lives in eternity's sunrise"
On Feb 22, 2015 Rebecca M wrote on Sincerely Enthusiastic, by Gretchen Rubin:
How often do we see the negative side of things! Even though we don't really want to add more negativity to the world, we seem to do it. How foreign it seems to look for things to be positive about. The media is filled to the brim with bleak news, global warming, failing economies, GMO's, chem trails, war, killings and murde, child abuse... ...listening to it evokes fear, anger, self righteous indignation in us, is it any wonder that we look at the negative when we are constantly bombarded with how bad things are? We are taught, from the start, to look for the negative, to react negatively. How can we change this? The world is full to the brim with positive things, but for some strange reason we gloss over those things. We fail to celebrate the sheer joy of existence, which if embraced, would be something that would add so much to our lives. Nature teaches us the lesson of beauty, of abundance, of birth, of renewal, of grace yet we ignore those lessons in our hast to criticize, condemn and complain. If we do not learn to embrace these lessons, if we don't somehow replace negative thinking with positive, it is not only we who suffer, but the whole of humanity. The whole Earth cries out for our joyful embrace. Enough of our criticizing, condemning and complaining! Let us look for and find that joy, together, moment by moment, let us embrace what is good, both in ourselves and in others.