Each person is unique. Even if you love that person, it is impossible to please him/her all the time. From fear of losing the closeness with that person, most of us shut our mouth, eyes and ears. We lie to ourselves and to others. Eventually, no matter what, one loses dignity in eyes of all. Whereas, uneducated fearlessness can only bring disaster.
political resistance is all too different than the home or workplace situations. Our heritage teaches us to take care of self, family, town we live in, country we live in and the world -- in that order. Only the one who is capable of leaving all attachments can be fearless.
So beautifully penned with a simple example on oneness! What sadhana it takes to get into the skin of another identity? When, we tangle in the game of deceiving ourselves of our own identity, how can we know identity of another? Until we shed "I" the ego, the attachment to our bodily success and failures, happiness and sorrow, we can not fathom the deep meaning of "I", the reason why we are who we are and how to menifest into who we should be.
On Jul 4, 2018 kunta wrote on Where's Your Umbrella?, by Nazeer Ahmed:
Faith of innoscent children is immeasurable. As a child grows, the brain takes over the heart. Logic contaminates beauty of the soul.