Absolutely, all roads can lead to our enlightenment, that we are here to love, live and have lessons.. Anything else is an abberation, and if we could wake up and realize that all of this is temporary, then maybe we would live more authentic lives!!
I love the work of Jon Kabat Zinn Coming to Our Senses and all of Pema Chodron's words of widsom!!
Breathe, and stay in the moment!
On Feb 20, 2014 Dr. Deri wrote on Your Life Cannot Go Wrong, by Jeff Foster:
Yes, Brenda, indeed our loved ones do hear us and we hear them in various and sundry ways, can be via a dream, hearing a bird, or just being open to getting a message. I write extensively about this in Soulful Love: The Search for the Self which is out of print but you may be able to find it on amazon or in your library.. The only thin veil that separates us between this world and the next is the breath.. Our dear ones are closer to us than we realize.