Waking up to Wisdom
In Stillness and Community

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Heng chau:

February 25, 1978

Don and Gail Depue and their little girl, Tracy, stopped with an offering and to wish us a good journey. "Now there's some peaceful men," said Mrs. Depue to her daughter.

The Depues are from Cambria, a small town north of is. They are straight-living and honest people who embody a traditional morality and values which seem to be declining rapidly in the modern world.

"By the way things are going in the world, we certainly need as much effort in the direction you are going as we can get," stated Don

We are cleaning up from lunch. Don talked as I washed dishes on the tailgate. Gail and Tracy sat in some wild flowers by a fenced field an quietly watched as Heng sure began bowing.

"I don't think there's a person, I don't care where they are in the world-the man on the street corner in Russia-who doesn't want peace and happiness in his life. But I don't know how they let the leaders of their country pull some of the stuff they do if those people really didn't want it." Said Don.

"Well, the American people didn't want Watergate, but they got it anyway," I said. " That's true", said Don.

"It has to begin with the small in each of us first, and then in our family and city and country before there will be lasting peace."

Don looked at his wife and child playing in the grass and laughing . " That's our small beginning toward world peace."

"Good roots, good fruit."

"You know, that's really how it has to go if its going to happen, isn't it?" said don. "it begins right inside."

	They eradicate all poisons from the mind.
	In their thoughts they cultivate the
		highest wisdom.
	Not for themselves do they seek peace
		And happiness, 
	Their only wish is that living beings
		Get to leave suffering."
			-- Avatamsaka sutra
			"Ten transferences chapter"

"It's fun too. We're having a great time trying to get rid of our bad habits and purify our hearts," I said.

"I know!" exclaimed don with a big grin. I wish we could start all over again."

"You can anytime."

Gail and Tracy walked over.

"Tracy wants to stay. This is really comfortable here." Said Gail.

"I know," answers don. "It's great!"

"Do you find that a lot of people want to be around you just because it's so peaceful?" Asked Mrs. Depue.

"It's not us , it's what the bowing stand for that people want o be around. The bowing seems to remind people of something they have in their own hearts."

In all worlds in the ten directions 
They perfect the cultivation of 
	pure practices.
In this way the merit and virtue 
	is all transferred,
Because they wish to bring peace 
And happiness to all sentient beings."
		-- Avatamsaka sutra
		"Ten transferences chapter"

Heng sure

	"According with still tranquility and 
	the indestructible Dharma nature, I
	will cause all beings to obtain eternal
	peace, security and happiness."
			-- Avatamsaka sutra
			"Ten practices chapter"

Don and Gail and their young daughter stop outside Cayucos with an offering to wish is luck. Don is an insurance man from Cambria. He wears western ranch clothes and a butch haircut. Gail's appearance and manners are straight out of America's heartland. They are down-home good folks, honest and open.

"If you are able, while in the mundane
 world, to leave behind all our attachments
 and be happy with an unobstructed mind,
then you can get enlightened to the dharma."
                      -- Avatamsaka Sutra
			"Verses in praise in the 
			Tushita heaven palace chapter"

A week later Don visited again. The talk was light hearted at first, but soon it came clear that don had something on his mind.

Heng Ch'au: "What do you do, Don?"

Don: "I've done different things. At the moment I am between hobs. I taught high school for years because I wanted to be of service to the world. What a letdown. Nothing could be further from the truth than what goes on in public school today. I was not 'doing good' there. I joined my gather is selling realty, then moved on to insurance. Ultimately I want a world that doesn't need insurance, but I believe in the product I sell. My attitude is that I sell it as if to my own family."

Heng Ch'au: "That's a rare outlook in the business world."

Don: "You can say that again. That's my problem. I'm not cut out to be a salesman. I wont do anything in my life if you have to compromise honesty and integrity. Businesses just don't want my kind. I really envy you two. How you've put it all down to follow your own inner voice.

Heng Ch'au: "So quit your job?"

Don: "You guessed it. I had to leave. I said to the gang, 'Well friends that's it. I cant be a part of this anymore.' I finally realized that if what you do doesn't come from your real nature, then every move you make is another mistake."

Heng Ch'au: "Wow. Are you ever lucky to have that understanding. Most people never know why they go on being unhappy. They never look for the path with heart. We were that way. Just moving from one thing to the next, always looking for a way to get to the important parts of life. That's why we left home. We came to Buddhism because a monastery is not a place to withdraw from the world. It's a place to get on the right track."

Don: "For all these years I did everything I could to avoid looking at what's not there in my life. Something is missing, the young marrieds I sell insurance to….? Everyone I know has the same doubts, the same malaise. They know that this isn't it, but they don't have any way to tune in to that inner voice. That's what made up my mind to quit, hearing that voice, but still, I don't really know how. I've made the big step but I need a way to keep it alive while the dust settles. Sometimes I'm afraid I can't get free enough to listen.

Heng Ch'au: "You're on the path, Don. Now you've got to work hard and be patient."

Don: "But how do you draw the line between responsibility and attachments? My family depends on me. These are not small decisions. They affect lots of people."

Heng Ch'au: "You bet they do. You've got to move one step at a time. You can't rip anything."

Don: "That's for sure. I've got to work my problems or face them again later. If I run out I'd just have to pay for the same mistakes later on. If I don't take my responsibilities now, I'll only complicate things and get in deeper."

Heng Ch'au: "Don, you've got a Buddhist outlook on life. You're describing the process of cause and effect."

Don: "On one hand, I've got to be true to what is real in me, but I've got my family to care for.."

"How do I know if I'm really hearing my true voice."

Heng Ch'au: "It's right there, loud and clear, but we choose not to listen because we're too attached."

Don: "At the bottom of it I want peace and happiness for everyone, not just for myself. I really want to do what's right. Right now I could sure use a method to tune in to my true self and find that right path."

Heng Ch'au wrote the name of Kuan Shih Yin bodhisattva on a card and handed it to don. He explained the method of recruiting the name and told don about the vows and the compassion of Kuan Shih Yin.

Don was enthusiastic and felt an immediate affinity with the Bodhisattva. He was reciting the name as he drove away. We met don again several weeks later. He made an offering and advised us about road conditions ahead. He looked happy and top of life.

Don: "Well I've got a new job as a teacher-and everything seems to be working out for the best. You know, a funny thing happened the other night as I was meditating. I saw a face very clearly before me. A kind old man with white hair and a beard. Kind of an unusual state."

Heng Ch'au: "Really happy to hear things are looking up Don. There are lots of states in meditation. Don't worry about it."

Heng Ch'au and I both were glad to have met Don and his family. We are lucky to have met the Buddhadharma in our lives and sharing our joy with others is true happiness.

It is not easy to face the crisis in life.

Don had the courage to come out on the highway and talk openly about his difficult time. As Heng Ch'au said to them, something about the work that Buddhists do remind people of the best parts within themselves. Don was already on the path back to happiness bit sometimes it helps to see others walk it. It helps us remember and return.