Waking up to Wisdom
In Stillness and Community

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Heng Ch'au

March 13. 1978


"Moreover, when one meets a sagely ruler,
Obtaining it (Avatamsaka sutra) on
	magic mountain,
Exhaustively reflecting on its
	esoteric doctrine,
How can one but jump for joy?"
	-- Avatamsaka preface

"The whole world is a sutra. Toll 
it up, secretly hide it away; let
it go, it fills the universe."
	-- Master Hua
	L.A. instructions, 1978

"I give rise to happiness because I 
draw near the grounds of wisdom....I
give rise to happiness because I draw
near to all Buddhas."
		-- Avatamsaka sutra
		"Ten grounds chapter"
		(Grounds of happiness)

Happy. Happy beyond words. Why? Because I feel I am coming "back home" to my true home, the Avatamsaka. It's alive inside each of us, and vibrating all around and through everything and everyone. Everything I've been searching for is contained within the wonder of this "esoteric doctrine," and none of it is outside my own heart. All that happens speaks the sutra; the sutra pulses in all that happens.

"It may truly be called
Wonderful speech of constant duration.
Vast model of universal scope.
Ultimate expression congruent with
The nature..."
		-Avatamsaka Preface

All I ever did, thought, felt or wished for appears and comes together in the simple act of bowing to this sutra. I have now ay to explain it. Magical, yet real. I feel relaxed and at ease. A serenity and certainty has set in-not from having everything figured out or down pat, but rather knowing nothing for sure, having nothing fixed.

Everything feels big and connected, simple and mysterious. Like a child with boundless energy, I feel I could go on forever from wonder to wonder without tiring or getting "homesick"in the vast, boundless universe of the mind. I want to share this happiness with all beings.


True son of the Buddha, Vajra solid
Bodhisattva breaks the shell, melts
The ice with the virtuous power of 
the four unlimited hearts.
Seeking nothing, nowhere to attain,
Then all obstructions ended.
Free'n'easy, truly letting go 
He rides the dharma wind, and 
With the flower garland fragrance,
Purifies the world.
		-- Heng Ch'au

Note to a Selfish Cultivator (Myself)

Stop seeking, just concentrate, with
one heart and bow. Work hard and be
patient. Be without goals or purpose;
have no expectations. No self, no others,
no living beings, no lifespan. No yesterday,
tomorrow, or today.

Give. Just give and transfer constantly
To every living being. Don't seek en-
lightenment, peace or dharma-bliss.
Selfishness ruins the world, only giving 
Can save it.

"Disciples of the Buddha, when the 
Bodhsattva, Mahasattva gives in this
way he has no thoughts of being false,
no thoughts of hope or of reputation,
no thoughts of regret or anxiety....
Until all Kalpas of the future come 
To an end I will always practice giving,
And I will dwell I n the mind's 
Wisdom if all-wisdom."
		-- Avatamsaka Sutra

Stan, the old retired man form Morro Bay, drove out with some supplies. He said goodbye back near Morro bay as he was too old to drive any further. Yet he came all this way to help is along and offer encouragement because he was worried about the storms and road ahead.

"I was afraid I missed you' he said. That was his only concern. We were deeply touched.

Maybe it's coincidence but Stan shows up each time our heart opens to the Avatamsaka. He comes after an understanding about oneness of all beings and a resolve to end suffering and bring happiness to the world. Stan was the man from Idaho who said, "This is what will make the country strong. America needs mire if it. It helps everyone along."

Flip-flop as fast as turning over the hand. The mind can turn from true to false, from pure to defiled.

As soon as I began to false think, a speeding car tried to run us off the road. Then a pick-up truck full if shouting men tossed a homemade "pestle" if empty carbine gun shells held together with electrical tape. The car missed by inches, so did the missile and so did the mind. One cannot leave proper mindfulness, not even for an instant. We get back exactly what we put out, sometimes immediately.