Waking up to Wisdom
In Stillness and Community

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Heng chau

February 28, 1978

"Hiding in the Bushes..."

Mrs. Connie McCauley walked out to offer encouragement and support.

"I had to come out and tell you our family really admires what you're doing. Just your presence has had a profound effect on us, especially on our younger son john who is 15. He is really open to the new spiritual awareness and it's had a deep and good impact on him," she said.

"We left the catholic church and are really into the ecumenical movement to get past all the differences. We are especially attracted to the Buddhism and the eastern tradition. Metaphysically and practically and in every way, it's very appealing. You know, there's a lot of us hiding in the bushes. When I was 15 years old I ran and hid in the security of the church, I really admire my son."

It stated raining. Mrs. McCauley headed back to their home in the hills outside of Cambria.

"We want to help. Please call if you need anything. Our son is a mechanic…a pretty good one, too. Thank you." She said waving goodbye.

Her comment," there's a lot of us hiding in the bushes." Stuck in the mind. There's a present day trend, especially among Buddhist scholars, to discourage " belief and practice" in favor of "objectivity." As a result many students who would like to cultivate feel forced to hide their Buddhism in the closet.

This is equally true for many people who are spiritually inclined, but afraid to practice because religion isn't viewed as " scientific" or intellectually respected among some people. They become like mice, hiding in the closet. I remembered song the abbot wrote English to counter this trend.

             " Yes, yes, yes indeed.
                The ways of the wise are what we study.
                Yes, yes, yes indeed.
                The ways pf he wise are what we study.
                The ways of thieving mouse-people
                Aren't for us.
                We don't hide our Buddhism in the closet.
                We want to have wisdom that's really pure.
                We want to have wisdom that's really pure.
                We want to have wisdom that's really, really pure.

                When I grow up, I'll save all the 
                 People in the world 
                 So that all of us can go to enlightenment.
                 If that sounds like a good idea to you 
                 Lets all get together and fulfill our vows,
                And reach the highest summit now."