Waking up to Wisdom
In Stillness and Community

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HENG SURE: June 27, 1977.

Unblocking your Live

Suddenly on the road to Zuma Beach I came up from a bow and my eyes relaxed. I saw more in one look than ever before. How long have my eyes been half shut? How long has my liver been half paralyzed? The state lasted as long as my mind was free of false thoughts. As soon as the thoughts returned, my vision narrowed back down to telescope size as before.

Ambush at the Bus Stop

A good long two and a half hours of bowing down the hill to Zuma Beach--practicing holding eyes and mind steady--good energy. A dust-storm of Sunday afternoon beach-goers drive past and honk and insult and scream and praise. Reach the bottom of the hill where there’s the beach parking lot driveway and across the traffic island, a bus stop. Cars stopped in lines backed up for a mile or more. Pedestrians, cycles, hitchhikers on surfboards. My mind says, "Toll gate here, be careful."

Get up from final bow and take out beads to count steps across to the far side where the highway begins again. Cross through traffic, across the bus stop island. As I pass behind the bus bench, counting steps and reciting "Namo Buddha, Dharma, Sangha," suddenly it feels as if someone hit me in my energy system--a huger horrible draining zap and buzz. I look up and see just a fuzzy head--perhaps a woman sitting on the bench with beach-wet hair tied back? Was it she? Who did that! Someone or something on that bus stop island got me from behind and I feel wounded, leaking--jeez this is strange stuff.