Waking up to Wisdom
In Stillness and Community

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HENG SURE: June 19, 1977. Had a few minutes yesterday afternoon when I stepped out of the center of the universe and just joined with the cars and the planes and the silence and this constant chanting that someone did: "Namo Da Fang Gwang Fwo Hwa Yen Jing, Hwa Yen Hai Hwei Fwo Pu Sa," on and on like that. Rested my mind.

So I’m going to take out this mind thing that keeps giving me troubles and I’m going to pull off all these coverings that keep it from direct experience of everything--as it rests and ticks and mumbles at the end of these long hollow sensory consciousness tubes that feed it garbage all day and night and I’m going to hold it out to the highway and say, "See? See? Is it real or isn’t it? Now can you grasp it all? Will you stop hiding from the truth of the falseness of all this reality? Boy, that’s what I’m going to do with my mind just as soon as I can find it.

My inconceivable teacher has an inconceivable disciple. The teacher’s inconceivable qualities are his compassion, his patience, his wisdom, his virtue, his vows and his vigor, to name a few. The disciple’s inconceivable qualities are his selfishness, his desires, his muddled head, his laziness, his attachments, and his confusion, to name just a few.

I have received the finest instructions in a language suited to my ability to hear; I have received an invaluable chance to follow those instructions and to cultivate the Way with constant supervision under ideal circumstances and no strings, just long hard concentrated work, I have been given food and clothing and all needs are met promptly and fully--

And what happens?

More false thinking--as if I never left the door of Gold Mountain.

Cutting off thoughts takes immense effort and concentration. Y addled mind cannot concentrate on anything beyond the body, it seems. Where is there merit is this?