Waking up to Wisdom
In Stillness and Community

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HENG CH’AU: May 10, 1977. 2:30 A.M. I wake up reciting a mantra. The mantra wakes me up. I hear voices and feet outside. My senses come alert. A shadow passes on the right of the van. Bang! An arm breaks through the front window vent and grabs for the door handle. Heng Sure, asleep, now jolts up. Dogs outside are barking wildly. “Hey!” I yell. The arm retreats. I can make out four big dark figures with night sticks and a dog walking away from the car and down the street. Drunk and roaming. A little later I hear rocks hitting the pavement. They are mustering for a return. Tossing rocks, hitting their sticks, they draw nearer. I’ve got to move quickly. I jump over the seat and throw the car into gear. There’s the ignition key? In the ignition. Hope it starts. It does. They keep coming and I pull out. One tries to stop the car. We made it!

Went back and slept till 4:00AM at Gold Wheel Temple in the driveway. We both feel tightness at what we are doing. Here there is potential for great accomplishment and for big mistakes. We need to be very careful with outflows. We must stick to a schedule, concentrate, and not move or retreat. Work hard and be sincere. There’s no room for indulgence or error on these streets. We both feel the adrenalin crash. This was a big day, a hard one.

Verse and Mantra in Case of Harm

To Creatures when Walking
From early morning ‘till fall of night,
All living beings should look after themselves.
If I should harm any creature or crush an insect beneath my feet,
Know that it was an accident, a mistake.
I vow that any such creatures will be reborn immediately
In the Land of Ultimate Bliss of Amitabha.

Nan.  Di li tze li swo he (3x)