Waking up to Wisdom
In Stillness and Community

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HENG SURE: June 18, 1977. Notes on comments from the Master: "Don’t do any false thinking whatsoever and then I am with you all the time. Try your best. Be mindful. To benefit others, be empty.

(Heng Sure addressing himself.)

Are you ever smart! Each time you reflect on your conduct, pull the light back, you fight this overwhelming tide of smart thoughts. With the undertow of desire and the reefs of attachments, you think of food, insults, fantasies, praises, dreams, memories, plans, fears, facts; you’re really very smart, you know. So smart that you just might go seven hundred miles and miss the whole trip; never really be there once for all the smokescreens of idle thinking and doubt and affliction. Well done, well done, small selfish one. How many Buddhas did you bring home today? How many times did you eat lunch before the food touched your lips?

How did you get to be so smart? Bad karma, I guess. You know so much and look at all the good it does you. You weren’t always so smart. Once you were a baby who lived life as it came--didn’t make plans for yourself, didn’t figure things out or calculate, didn’t filter or lie or worry. What happened? You grew up and forgot how to be dumb as a baby. Don’t let your stupid thoughts get in the way of everything that’s going on. They are more impermanent than most other dharmas and they are not important.