Waking up to Wisdom
In Stillness and Community

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HENG SURE: June 13, 1977. All these cars. How can you follow them? I’ve got a finer car. Never runs out of fuel because it’s powered by faith. Makes no noise cause it’s not apart from the hearer. Doesn’t pollute cause there’s no combustion. Can’t hurt anyone cause everyone’s already inside. Doesn’t need roads and traffic lights because it’s boundless, limitless, and obstructed in the ten directions. It’s no farther than a thought, it’s more beautiful than any forms.

It’s the Great Vehicle. Powered by ultimate compassion and engineered by perfect wisdom.

Don’t talk to me about Rolls, Mercedes, or Porsche; they are common as afflictions. Take a ride in the great vehicle: the finest coach on Dharma wheels. (One thing to watch: no reverse--it never retreats! No neutral either, only 84,000 forward speeds.)

I lengthened the wheelbase of my bowing today after lunch and everything suddenly was different. No pain in toes and knees, for one; no compression of stomach and bowels, for two; the mindfulness increased immediately; the recitation changed immediately from a minor to a major tune; my eyes fell into place; I felt better and I stretched out and actually relaxed as I bowed. It was really wonderful. All the bowing I have done to this point has been tight and cramped and doubled up in a defensive knot. Too fast, minor key and tense, resulting in hurt, tension, and no clarity.

As I bowed along this afternoon I actually experienced a few seconds of mental rest--I gave my mind, that overworked muscle, a total break and just held it still for about five or fifteen seconds. I nearly cried feeling the cleanliness and happiness and gratitude of every cell in my brain. I reflected on the ceaseless abuse I give my brain and the wasted energy and I almost cried.

I started to use the vajra sword today to cut the false thoughts (all thoughts) and it worked fine. Cleared them out as they appeared. I got lazy and set it down for five minutes. Immediately my head started to react--sent hassles, worries, doubts, distractions. I recognized the state and the ch’an session-like need to stay right on target all the time or else the "leg pain" is unbearable. The bowing is moving up notches in terms of cultivation.