Waking up to Wisdom
In Stillness and Community

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HENG SURE: May 30, 1977. You don’t have to ask any experts, or join anything or buy anything to find the Holy within you, pure and complete. It starts with doing good, with avoiding doing evil and then clearing out your mind. Give things, give yourself away and make others happy. Don’t eat meat and watch your tongue. Pay attention to your deeds good and bad and see their results. It’s all talking about your own life and who is really in charge of it. You are. Don’t give away the final responsibility for your life.

On the vehemence and hatred in a screeching female voice from behind screed windows: "Get off the sidewalk you creeps! Go on, move on. The sixties are over!" Each phrase a crescendo to hysteria. Heng Ch’au: "If words were bullets, we would be Swiss Cheese."

When this is all over and we arrive at the City of Ten Thousand Buddhas, what will we have to say? What will be our very first words? "It is most important to hold the five precepts which prohibit killing, stealing, lying, sexual misconduct, and intoxicants. Without a firm foundation in proper behavior all other cultivation is like pouring water in a cracked vase: it won’t stay in. Return the light and shine within at all times.

"Everything is a test to see what you will do. Mistaking what’s before your eyes, you’ll have to start anew." -Master Hua.

"For all post karma created from body, mouth, and mind and born from beginningless greed, hatred and stupidity I now repent entirely."

Homage to the sea-like assembly of Buddhas and Bodhisattvas in the Avatamsaka Assembly.

Homage to the Avatamsaka Sutra.