Waking up to Wisdom
In Stillness and Community

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HENG SURE: May 27, 1977. Said through clenched teeth, almost as if spat onto the pavement: "What a fantastic show of devotion, and right here on Wilshire." Totally sarcastic in intent. The answer might have been:

"So you would suggest no prayer at all is the utmost sincerity?"

If every moment is a test then the pressure is all off. You can be totally free to be your best all the time because there is no ultimate judgment or final curtain call. There are no judges, ultimately. Any time you are unhappy, any time some unnecessary load is on you, it has nothing to do with anyone else but you.

I spent years worrying about a great future punishment and a great reward banquet. Now I know they don’t exist nor are they created. It happens in a single thought: "One thought enlightened is the Buddha, one thought confused is a living being."

If you got it, it’s there. If you don’t, it’s not there. Right now, let the ext thought take care of itself. And don’t blame your unhappiness on what your mind sets up because it’s still all your own trip.