Waking up to Wisdom
In Stillness and Community

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HENG CH’AU: May 16, 1977. Bowing through downtown business. Myriads of ants scurrying on the sidewalk. Myriads of people going to their jobs. I remember when I was married--a secretary, fine clothes, perfumes, good salary, living for weekends and 5:00 p.m. fighting depression by buying clothes, toys, etc., and always wondering, “Is this it?”

All of us put so much between our true heart and the true substance, the Buddhanature. Fame, food, wealth, sex, and sleep are the big ones. From the one comes many--needless afflictions. Commuters have one kind, Lincoln Heights another, myself another. None better or worse. Buddhism cuts across cheap wine and Porsches, babies and the aged, the monk and the monster. All of us are one, each is all. There is no room for arrogance or condescension. Heng Ch’au, your afflictions affect others. Others’ merit and virtue teaches and transforms you. Compassion is the truth of no self. If you are not a Buddha you are not better or worse than any common person.

Bowed through a construction crew--no problems. Progress and affects: Business financial district grew up and down. Grew the trees and grass. The birds now have to nest on overpasses and on buildings instead of trees. We bowed past dead baby birds and shells under the overpass, knocked loose from the vibration of the traffic above. As the construction crew digs and churns the earth, countless little bugs are rooted out of their homes into the freeways to be smashed by cars. Driving you, you would never notice these little things.

Go in to use the facilities at the World Trade Center. Futuristic façade, carpeted tennis courts, muzak, polished, manicured, crisp, and assured. As empty as Lincoln Heights, our fear, and our self.

My eyes keep opening. I feel light and clean, like I can see and know for miles--cool breeze through my mind. Passing through L.A…passing through…no more words. Three Steps, One Bow. An upasika brought a light lunch, incense from women at a beauty parlor. Her husband tends a bar at this mirror-glass hotel ahead. Elevators on the outside. The latest, the same.