Waking up to Wisdom
In Stillness and Community

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HENG CHAU: May 11, 1977

White Universe
A verse by Master Hua (spoken after a Kuan Yin Session)

Ice in the sky,
Snow on the ground,
Numberless tiny bugs die in the cold
Or sleep in hibernation.
In the midst of stillness you should contemplate,
And within movement you should investigate.
When you wrestle with dragons and subdue tigers in continual playful sport,
Ghosts will cry and spirits wail; surrounding transformations are strange.
True and actual meanings
Are cut off from words,
Not thought about or talked about;
You ought to advance with haste.
With the great and small destroyed,
With no inside or out,
Every mote of dust
Is an infinite Dharma realm
Complete, whole, and perfectly fused,
Interpenetrating without obstruction.
With two clenched fists break to pieces the cover of empty spaces.
In one mouthful swallow the source of seas of Buddhalands.
With great compassion rescue all, sparing no blood or sweat and never pause to Rest.

Three Steps, One Bow Intensive Session Schedule

4-4:50              morning recitation
5-6:30              t’ai chi
6:30-7              clean and move
7-8                 bow
8-8:20              rest
8:20-9:20           bow
9:20-9:40           rest
9:40-10:30          bow
10:30-11:30         study, write
11:30-12:30    	    meal 
12:30-1:00          write, meditate, study
1-2                 bow
2-2:20              rest
2:20-3:20           bow
3:20-3:40           rest
3:40-4:40           bow
4:40-5:00           rest
5-5:45              bow
6-7                 rest, meditate
7-9                 evening recitation and lecture
9-                  meditate, read, write.