Waking up to Wisdom
In Stillness and Community

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Dear Shih Fu,

The Bodhisattva thinks again, 
"Throughout the long night, I 
loved this body and was attached 
to it. I took food and drink 
because I desired to fill it up. 
Now will use this food to give to 
other living beings. I vow to 
eternally sever all greedy attachment 
to my body."
			-- Avatamsaka Sutra
	"Ten Inexhaustable Tresures Chapter"

Everyone has a favorite flavor. Until I began the bowing pilgramage, I had a big sweet tooth. Things changed when bowing to generate more yang energy. I found that sugar dispersed my concentration. Now I can't even look at sweets without feeling the flush rise in my face. It's my temporary state - others might have trouble eating sweets. Ultimately any discrimination can obstruct one's view of the basic unity of the Dharma-nature body.

Two Garbage Poems:

"The Sww\eet Tooth's Lament," ot 
"Bitter is Better" (for me now)

Sugar is this bhikshu's bane.
Just one bite can for my brain.
One sweet cookie melts in my spine,
Gets me drunk as quick as wine.
Turned by sugar that I ate,
I forget to cultivate.
Red of face and short of breath,
I'm concerned for birth and 
Sugar makes me want to rap,
Makes my tongue begin to flap,
Makes me want to laugh anf play
And wander from the Buddha's Way.
Sugar maks my mouth run on, 'til
All samadhi's lost and gone. 
This monk's eaten his last dose
Of dextrose, syrup. And sucrose.
Sugar's fine for one sweet lick 
But greed for pleasure makes 
Me sick.
Sugar used to tastes just great,
Now I would rather  concentrate.
Sugar I the lover's friend,
Sweet and sticky to the end. 
Sugar is the family glue,
Sticks him to me and me to you.
Of all the flavors, I confess
I'm attached to biterness.
So when it comes to sugar treats,
Forgive me if I pass the sweets.
One day, to be really true,
I must put down sugar, too.
Until then I would rather be,
Bitter-sweet and sugar-free.

Food is One of the Five Desires

Food is neat; I like to eat.
But greed is really common. Overeating pleases me,
But only for a moment.
Knees on fire, hot desire
Spoils my meditation.
Just a touch too much at lunch
Obstructs my cultivation.
Not too little, guard the Middle.
Just don't crave sensation.
What a shame if greed for food
Kept me from liberation.
When my belly's full, my mind
For Bodhi is retreating.
Food is nice, but what a price
I pay for overeating.

The five desires are dharmas that obstruct 
the Path, even to the point of preventing
one from realizing Unsurpassed Bodhi. For 
this reason I will permit myself to have 
even one thought of desire. My mind
will be as pure as the Buddhas'.
			--Avatamsaka Sutra
			"Ten Practices" Chapter

Disciple Kuo Chen
(Heng Sure)
bows in respect