Waking up to Wisdom
In Stillness and Community

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March 16, 1978
North of Hearst Castle

Dear Shih Fu,

Spring came all of a sudden today and we took off layers of clothes for the first time since November, it seems. Hot sun and visits by swarms of insects.

It's so clear that everything is made from the mind alone. Last month I dug through my clothes bag looking for a pair of warm socks. The light, hot-weather socks would not do. Too cold. Today I sorted through again. The heavy wool socks looked like pure misery on such a hot day. They were no longer attractive. At the bottom of the bag were the light socks. Ah! Perfect. Had the socks transformed in four months. Not a bit. It was all my mind's doing, making big discriminations, and seeking comfort for the skin-bag. Being a living being can sure be complicated and troublesome.

Heng Ch'au and I have had a big realization over the past few months that the Venerable Abbot is here among us. We reached this awareness after experiencing Shih Fu's instructions coming true in our hearts time after time. Such clarity and precise timing! Wherever we wander on our initial attempts to walk the Middle Way, whatever state arises in our meditation, we find the Master has foreseen our direction. Then, either he points to an open door and/or by using some effortless expedient means he delivers us with a message or a gatha to steer us away from a certain path, or to another straighter, higher road. This is hard to communicate in words, but we both feel the Master's presence as we work. It's tangible, reliable, and constant, as long as we use effort. The power and the wisdom of a Good and Wise Advisor is inconceivable.

Many cultivators throughout history have worked really hard, but fell into attachments to from or to emptiness and stopped their progress simply because they had no such teacher to guide them. Heng Ch'au and I bow to our teacher each day on the highway, morning, noon and night with ever-deepening respect for him and with a profound sense of wonder at out incredible good luck to have met a Good Knowing Advisor in this life.

Disciple Kuo Chen
(Heng Sure)
bows in respect

Dear Shih Fu,

It's spring. Suddenly there are warm winds and soft sounds. The bitter and cold winter storms are gone, leaving behind flowered green meadows and easy, flowing creeks. The birds are looking for mates and building nests. It's that time and the earth's "natural" energy all moves in this direction: make your mark in the world, nesting (the home) and being creative.

And us? We are also returning to the natural - the original natural, the unconditioned self-nature. Life after life we yielded to spring's desires and pleasures. Life after life we went "with the flow" and returned to the nest. But the nest (home) became a cage and soon the ultimate questions arose: "Is this it? Is this all there is? Mating and dying, dying and mating? Birth, dwelling, decay, emptiness all in the blink of an eye? Is there no more than eating, sleeping and wearing clothes? How and where do you look?"

	If there are those who don't know how to
	   get out,
	Who do not seek liberation but only cry and
	   are dazed,
	The Boddhisattva manifests for them the
	   giving up of his country and wealth,
	And constantly happy, he leaves the home-
	   life and his mind is tranquil and still.
				-- Avatamsaka Sutra

Yesterday, Heng Ju and Kuo Kuei Nicholson stopped by and Kuo Kuie commented, "Tomorrow is a special day."

"Oh?" I said.

"Yeah, it's the day Shakyamuni Buddha shaved his head and rode off on a white horse - his left-home day." What a powerful image of purity and freedom: the Buddha shaving his head and riding off on a white horse to cultivate! Shakyamuni Buddha had one of the finest nests. So why leave it?

	The home is a place of greed and love,
	   bondage and fetters.
	He wants all living beings to be able to
	   leave it behind.
	Therefore, he manifests leaving home and
	   gaining liberation,
	And amid all desires and pleasures he
	   accepts none of them.
				-- Avatamsaka Sutra

This morning while bowing along the deserted, quiet road, I realized it has been almost a year since I left home and I'm happier every day. There is another natural urging that wells up inside of living beings. It is the urge for enlightenment and ultimate freedom. It is stronger and more basic than mating and nesting (needing a partner) and in time we all follow it. In time, we all realize it. "All have the Buddha-nature, all will become Buddhas." Some of us will mate this spring, some of us will cultivate. And that will make all of the difference. But, originally there is no difference, and sooner or later we all are "able to leave it all behind" and ride off on a white horse. So, "everything is okay," as the Master often says.

Everybody should be free and happy this spring and every day go toward the good. Lighten the heart and purify the mind and find ways to benefit others. In a year of bowing, Heng Sure and I are discovering that cultivation is right here in these simple basics. Getting rid of greed, anger, and stupidity is what matters and causes others to be happy and free. May we all go to perfect enlightenment together really soon. I hope so. Much peace in the Dharma.

Disciple Kuo T'ing
(Heng Ch'au)
bows in respect

P.S.: The local Dharma Protectors have strongly urged us to leave Highway 1 and find an alternate route. The road apparently becomes very winding, narrow, and heavily trafficked. Our friends in the Forest Service are mapping out a new route for us through Ventana Wilderness and Los Padres National Forest. It will by-pass the treacherous section of Highway 1 up to Carmel. We should have it figured out whenever it's figured out. We have learned to not force or get attached to even the smallest things. Whatever happens will be as it should be and in accord with conditions, not our false thoughts. We will be on highway 1 for another 4-5 weeks as best we can tell and will let you know as soon as we have a new route to the City of Ten Thousand Buddhas. There is no fixed way to get to the City of Ten Thousand Buddhas! All roads to it eventually return.