Speaker: Paulette Pipe

Touching the Inner Stillness

“It’s time. It’s time to let it go,” said Rev. Paulette Pipe on trusting your deepest intuitions. And Paulette does just that.

Her life embodies trust and faith, as well as surrender to the deeper forces around and within us.  A minister who served formerly as Spiritual Director of the UK Unity headquarters, and then manager of the Retreats department at Unity Village, Rev. Paulette left her full-time job, with benefits, to follow her inner voice and work for free – “doing the thing I loved most…hosting my podcast.”  She leads Touching the Stillness Ministries, a vibrant organization she created to make meditation and mindfulness both practical and accessible for daily application. She is a meditation teacher with the goal of increasing a sense of well-being in anyone who feels lost, confused, or like their Inner Stillness is getting a bit too rowdy to handle. 

Paulette’s Touching the Stillness Ministries provides tools and resources for meditation and mindfulness that emphasize finding and sustaining a sense of inner stillness. She acknowledges the challenges that come with learning to meditate when one is desperately striving for inner peace, but also notes how beneficial it has been for her to engage with it. In fact, she writes that “Meditation...is the spiritual gift that gets me out of bed.” Inspired by three stones on her vision board, Paulette hopes to assist people in finding “Stillness, Love, and Peace” through the experience she has cultivated as “Touching the Stillness.” 

Paulette takes a compassionate approach to beginning meditators – she lists out guidelines for them that include pointers such as the fact that meditation can happen at any moment, and preparing beforehand is important. Her guided meditations are available on platforms like Youtube, Unity Online Radio, Itunes, Spotify, SoundCloud, and more. 

Paulette’s innovative meditation techniques, which include practices such as Affirmative Prayers and a Dance Your Own Dance Meditation, aim to make meditation an accessible asset daily. She draws on multiple forms of expression – she dances, journals, drums, sings and travels.  With her mesmerizing voice, and distinctive gift of affirmative healing prayers and meditations that stir the soul, she masterfully creates rich, sacred experiences from a range of traditional and unexpected mindful and meditation practices.

Currently residing in Lee’s Summit, Missouri, a suburb of Kansas City, Paulette is British-born and hails from London, England. She has a BA in Ministerial Studies. Her career, before answering the call to ministry, was as a professional fund-raising manager (development officer) for a number of medium-sized national UK charities, including Motability (a charity for disabled drivers), the Down’s Syndrome Association, and the Women’s Institute, where she was also merchandising manager of its trading arm, WI Enterprises.  Prior to that, she was a qualified business and trade magazine journalist, “who once got nominated for a prestigious industry award, the name of which eludes me now!”

Rev. Paulette holds the role of Keeper of the Flame on Unity Worldwide Ministries’ Board of Trustees, where she maintains a sacred prayer space—generally doing so in silence—during the board’s deliberations and decision-making process at all of its board meetings; and is the liturgist for the assembly during the organization’s Annual General Meeting. She is a member of the Evolutionary Leaders Circle, a project of the Source of Synergy Foundation, where she also serves as its Keeper of the Flame during online meetings and events. She also led and created the Opening Ceremony at the Institute of Noetic Sciences Competition, as well as co-emceeing and presenting a breakout group. 

Paulette provides a “spiritual oasis” for those who are either religious, spiritual, none, or both. Reverend Unity Bass, a Unity Minister, once remarked that being with Paulette felt like “[touching] the Stillness through her...She is so connected to the Source that it radiates right into my own soul.” 

Please join us in conversation with Paulette, an inspiring, creative meditation leader who has committed herself to democratizing meditation for those of us who crave it!

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