Reading Archives (Author)

Three Stages Of Perceiving Impermanence

Shinzen Young

Impermanence is just appreciating the normal changing-ness of each experience at deeper levels of poignancy. One way to think about this is in terms of three aspects of impermanence: the trivial, the ...

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14K reads, 3 comments

Recycling Karmic Trash

Shinzen Young

It’s very common for people on a meditative or spiritual path to develop a kind of sensitivity to the poison and pain of others. Sometimes it’s formulated with the phrase “I pic...

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22K reads, 10 comments

Two Ways of Learning Relaxation

Shinzen Young

There are two ways of learning relaxation, because there are two distinct levels at which a person can relax. I speak of top-to-bottom relaxation versus bottom-to-top relaxation. "Top" refer...

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17K reads, 7 comments

The Test for Meditation in Action

Shinzen Young

When we first come into this life we form a self in order to cope with the world. The baby has a rather scant self and commensurately little ability to deal with the world. We develop a self to deal w...

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38K reads, 17 comments

Learning to Suffer More Effectively

Shinzen Young

Psychological grasping is your main source of suffering, not the  physical sensations in your legs -- that is to say, how much you are tightening psychologically around those sensations is the ma...

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17K reads, 6 comments

Equanimity: the Radical Permission to Feel

Shinzen Young

Equanimity is a fundamental skill for self-exploration and emotional intelligence. It is a deep and subtle concept frequently misunderstood and easily confused with suppression of fee...

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29K reads, 7 comments

Addicted to Thinking

Shinzen Young

The issue is not so much the presence or absence of thought activity during meditation. Rather, the issue is the degree to which ones thought activity is driven, unconscious and fixated. The great m...

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9K reads

Share Pain Not Suffering

Shinzen Young

Just as insight has many facets, so also with service. I would like to talk about just one aspect -- compassion. Compassion is practiced in two ways: subtly and overtly. You can subtly serve any per...

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4K reads