Reading Archives (Author)

The Spirit Of Gift

Satish Kumar

We have learned much from the native Americans, the Australian Aboriginals, the indigenous people of India (adivasis) and the Bushmen of Africa. We have been guided by Jesus Christ, the Buddha, Mohamm...

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31K reads, 12 comments

Worms Are, Therefore I Am

Satish Kumar

Perhaps the reason that we do not get enough enlightenment these days is because we do not take the time to sit under a tree. To be an Earth Pilgrim is to revere Nature as our sacred home, and see ...

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24K reads, 13 comments

Indigenous Intelligence

Satish Kumar

My mother used to tell me a Jain story when I was a child: Adam was lost in the jungle, and there he encountered two wild elephants. They began to chase him. In order to escape from these frightening...

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12K reads, 14 comments

A Hero's Journey

Satish Kumar

A hero is not a special kind of person; every person is a special kind of hero when he or she is without fear. Every life is a hero's journey. When I trust in the universe, I am not afraid to take r...

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3K reads

Beyond Good and Evil

Satish Kumar

Performing penance as a monk, experiencing ecstasy in love, engaging in evolutionary land reform, walking for world peace, being imprisoned in France, facing a bullet in America . the many dimensions...

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4K reads

Going Into the Unknown

Satish Kumar

Going into the unknown world and confronting it without a penny in our pockets had meant that differences between rich and poor, educated and illiterate, all vanished; and beneath all these divisions...

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4K reads

Thousand Branches, Million Plums

Satish Kumar

As a seed is capable of becoming a tree, all human beings are also capable of realizing their own full potential. In order for the seed to become a tree it must be planted in the soil – underground...

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4K reads

Science and Spirituality

Satish Kumar

Science without spirituality seeks to work mainly in human interest and gives birth to technologies of comfort and convenience, as well as control and consumerism. Science denuded of deep values and t...

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11K reads, 3 comments

Fear and Love

Satish Kumar

Our lives are ruled by fear. Fear of death, fear of old age, fear of illness, fear of unemployment, fear of failure, fear of superiors, fear of inferiors, fear of responsibility, fear of committmen...

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5K reads