Reading Archives (Author)

Error Of Perception

Ramana Maharshi

Q: Are names and forms real? Ramana Maharshi: You won’t find them separate from [reality]. When you try to get at name and form, you will find reality only. Therefore attain the kno...

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Fear of Death

Ramana Maharshi

It was about six weeks before I left Madura for good that the great change in my life took place. It was quite sudden. I was sitting alone in a room on the first floor of my Uncle's house. I se...

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6K reads

From Theory To Practice

Ramana Maharshi

Q: Sankara says that we are all free, not bound, and that we shall all return to God from whom we came, like sparks from a fire. If that is so, why should we not commit all sorts of sins? A: It ...

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