Reading Archives (Author)

Live Like The Roar In A Lion's Throat

Pavithra Mehta

Do you live in your days like a forgotten ticket stub in someone's jacket? As if the show were behind you? As if you went out one evening to watch your life, and decided halfway through that it wa...

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21K reads, 13 comments

A Strange Predicament

Pavithra Mehta

When I stop to consider the facts they astonish me. There you are, couched in your own skin, and Here I am in mine. No matter how close We must each do our own living. Your heart cannot be persuad...

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24K reads, 24 comments

Practically Preposterous

Pavithra Mehta

  "Well, I was just inventing a new way of getting over a gate -- would you like to hear it?"  "Very much indeed," Alice said politely.  "I'll tell you how I...

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20K reads, 11 comments

A Portrait in Patience

Pavithra Mehta

Patience they said was a virtue. Only I wasn't ever quite sure why. I always saw her as a rather plain-faced girl with a sweet smile. Too sweet. She was wont to sit in a straight-backed chair. Legs c...

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27K reads, 16 comments