Reading Archives (Author)

Three Millimeters of the Universe

Daniel Gottlieb

Dear Sam, One night in the hospital, a friend came to visit me. I told her I didn't think I could go on anymore. What I was feeling went beyond despair. It was a loss of hope — of everyth...

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14K reads, 8 comments

Those Who Float

Daniel Gottlieb

Young as you are, I know you already know something about faith.  You have faith in your mother's arms.  That's a good start.  But later on, you'll find it gets more complicated. Not l...

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18K reads, 11 comments

Letter to My Grandson

Daniel Gottlieb

Change is difficult for all of us.  The older we get, the more change we face.  All change involves loss, and whenever we lose something, we ache to have it back.  Everything I have los...

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74K reads, 40 comments