Reading Archives (Author)

Do we Use Thought, or Does Thought Use us?


Have you ever looked meditatively into the cause-and-effect of thought, into the birth and death of thought, the cycle that creates fear and conflict with resultant sorrow? Every expression of thou...

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43K reads, 21 comments

Riding the Crest of the Unknown


You know little about yourself -– the hidden motives and blind spots, where thought actually takes its shape, where desire is subtly formed. You are not aware of the origin of thought. You recognize...

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5K reads, 5 comments

Artistic Way of Living


\"Even when you look at a beautiful flower, you just talk about it; your mind interprets it. You note the color, form, texture and scent, but you never quite experience the whole beauty as it is. To e...

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3K reads

Creativity of Silence


We can discover a new beauty of life in silence. When once you see that beauty, you will not be interested in the agitated cravings of the mind. You will see the limitations of your desires and wishf...

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7K reads

Seeds of Real Action


Why is it that the mind cannot be in the present? The mind moves on and on because it just cannot be quiet. We do not really need anything else in order to be peaceful and free in the present, but ...

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4K reads