Once again this summer Service Space hosted a 10-week internship for students, with ages ranging from beginning high school to upperclass-persons in college! Each week, the interns were given readings and reflections, opportunities for silence, and experiments involving various personal practices of
generosity and
kindness -- all in order to encourage a shift into deeper values and subtle connections.
This year, we had as
our five interns Isabel, Apurva, Maya, Shyama, and Sophie!
Apurva, despite being 500 miles away from us in Los Angeles,
diligently explored each week’s theme and his reflections invited all others to explore more into the nuances of any topic. Shyama was somehow managing a job at Jamba Juice along with her intern work - sometimes even handling 300 orders at once! However, she always greeted us with a smile during our intern calls and even
found a way to bring values of kindness and generosity to work. Sophie brought her shining presence and interconnected perspective to our interactions and her project on examining
our relationship to suffering. Maya made some great artwork every week for our themes and always led the way in sharing humbly and vulnerably about her own life and continued inquiries. And Isabel – inspired to be part of the internship after ServiceSpace volunteers brought
experiments in kindness to her high school – had a internship-long project of painting rocks and leaving them in inconspicuous places for people to find, and brought her very down to earth loving kindness to everyone from a woman who wanted an empty water container to her dogs!
Get excited for 90 minutes of soaking in the love, compassion, and stillness of these young ladders and their beautiful 10-week (and beyond) journeys :)